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We can say it is valuable, but more importantly, we want you to see why others saw it valuable in reaching their career goals.

What Others Are Saying


"I took away many valuable tools I didn't know how to execute previously, or resources I did not know existed. These tools assisted at such a high level in my career searches. Many of them I began using the resources to place me at a much higher level than I ever thought it would be possible. 'Never settle on less than what you want to achieve' is what I took away and ran with from this course and we were pushed beyond our 'safe zone' to be able to place our mindset on what success truly is. The information was invaluable. I currently found my first professional career doing exactly what I set out to do and appreciate all the help from CEO of One and Garth's course!"

"I learned some new techniques on job searching as well as how to manipulate LinkedIn in order to reach hiring managers/HR representatives. This will be my preferred method of searching instead of using recruiters that are only interested in their bottom line. I think this method will land more interviews. The most important concept was the “Tell Me About Yourself” in that it forced me to really take the time to practice after being told what to include and time limit placed on it. I think that at least one entire class session should include students performing mock interviews among themselves."

"I learned a completely new approach /improvement to my skills at job searching and updating my knowledge to the job market process. Most important, how to correctly respond to the "tell me about yourself" question in an interview. This information is too vital to anyone's job searching success. Magnificent!"

"I have learned how to approach people better, knowing that everyone does not act and think the same way. It is about selling yourself to an employer and how you yourself prepare for the job market around what You want."

"These services and workshops helped me learn how to use online resources to find available jobs, connect with social networking and looking up potential salary ranges for positions. The most interesting thing I learned was the ability to have your portfolio and contact information ready within a moments notice."


"Garth, You are an incredible instructor. Your workshops are planned thoroughly covering every area necessary in finding and securing the job that we as job hunters want and deserve. I wish more people had the opportunity to take your classes or get this training."

"Preparing myself for the job interview, how to tell future employees about myself and helped build my self-confidence. I feel it will help me in my future career as it has taught me how to believe in myself and provide myself with the knowledge of how to prepare and picture myself as already in my new career and stop the self-destruction. Garth does a great job and showing us the ins and outs of how to prepare and present ourselves within in a social environment, whether it be a job interview or personal networking. He gave us many great tools to use and remember for all our future endeavors."

"I learned how to confidently interview & that having the correct attitude when networking & interviewing is important. This class changed my way of looking at the whole interview process. The most important thing I got from this was how to answer the hardest interview questions."

"Great things about these courses. LinkedIn, how to have a confident interview, how to research companies effectively, and prepare for interview questions. The cue cards were and are helpful! Never be afraid of the interview if you have the knowledge for the job. I will continue to process this information for a long time."

"Confidence in delivery stems from preparedness and makes for a successful interaction during the interview. You have to sell yourself with tools like business cards and thank you notes. Things like this set you apart from the other candidates. You have to make yourself stand out. I enjoyed how to answer complex interview questions, the importance of body language and the confidence in delivery. These courses were awesome!"

"I've learned that confidence + being prepared = success. it has helped me on focusing on what I might be lacking. It gave me an understanding on how interviews work and to approach them with more preparedness."

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