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Garth Adams

Top 5 Things To Do When Job Searching

Job searching today can be daunting. Well, let's face it; it is daunting. It is the good, the bad and the ugly all rolled into one. An emotional roller coaster like no other. Everyone and their mother is going to give you some advice. Take it or leave, listen to them all; nod, smile and then figure out what works best for you. No matter whose approach you use or advice you take, a few key things to remember when you conduct your job search.

1) You are only going to get a job quickly if you prepare in advance.

Job Searching is not something you do once. Clicking 'Quick Apply' to a bunch of positions in 5 minutes is not going to get you what you want or deserve. It may take some time, so prepare yourself for the long haul. Do not allow yourself to quit or get discouraged as job searching is a skill these days, keep developing it and your approach each day.

2) Keep track of where you send your resume.

To be prepared for the call you have been waiting for, then you need to remember what you applied for, who the contact is and any other key pieces of information. For many, Excel is a go-to tracker for them. As long as it works for you, use it.

3) Do not use the same site or sites everyday.

You will want to mix things up. Do not put all your eggs in one basket by going to the same one, two or three sites each day or week and say oh well there is nothing for me. You are creating frustration and inactivity by doing this. There are thousands of great tools, sites and resources for you to use. You should be creating profiles on at least 8 different sites or companies each day. If things happen quickly for you then this has worked. If not, maybe it has been a month, then by now you are only creating profiles on 2 sites a day after a few weeks.

4) You need to set aside time for your job search.

Your job search just became your new job. This is a full-time job. Anything less and you will not get the results you want in the time-frame you want. There are 168 hours in a week and you need to schedule your time accordingly to be productive. Do not let other things, other people or other distractions in during your time. You must have a set time for yourself and do not be afraid to let others know it. It is okay to say no to little things when this is a priority when you search for jobs.

5) Set personal goals for yourself.

With any position you have had, and will have again soon, there have been goals to achieve and deadlines to meet. This does not change. Keep up that habit by setting numeric goals for you to achieve each day, week and month. How many resumes will you be sending out today? Who will you follow up with? What are some next steps in the process that you need to complete? When will you have this completed by?

Sounds like a normal job right? That is because it is a job. Your business is finding the right organization for you in a timely manner. After all, the mortgage/rent is due, car payment is due, utilities are due, and people need to be fed. There is no time to rest so remember; no matter whose advice you take, these 5 things will help you stay on track.

Keep your head up and let's get it done!



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